Traditional sweets for Carnival in Italy

Carnival in Italy is a big celebration where most people get dressed and wear masks, they get ready to parade in the streets along with big carnival floats, music, confetti, drinks and foods, and of course, delicious traditional sweets.

Carnival is traditionally celebrated outdoors, which is why cakes are usually fried, so they are quick to bake and easy to eat on the street.

One of the most popular treats is the ‘chiacchiere’, also known as ‘frappe’ which are light, crispy pastries commonly dusted with powdered sugar but there are also variations with chocolate, pistachio or red Alchermes liqueur. They come in various shapes, often resembling ribbons or lace, and are perfect for munching while enjoying the festivities.

Another favourite is ‘zeppole’, originally from Naples, which are deep fried dough balls that can be filled with cream, jam or sweet ricotta. They are very popular in some regions during Carnival season.

‘Frittelle Veneziane’, or Venetian fritters, are the best known treats associated with carnival in Venice. And their origins can be traced back to the 14th century. They come in a variety of forms, both unfilled or with fillings like apples, chocolate or zabaione.

‘La Schiacciata’, also known as ‘schiaccia’ is a typical carnival treat in Florence. It is a soft, low cake, made with simple ingredients of flour, milk, butter, sugar and eggs, and decorated with the ancient emblem of Florence.

‘Frisjoli’, as they are called in the Sardinian language, are the typical carnival fritters. These fritters are long and they are prepared with simple ingredients using semolina flour, which makes them tasty and rustic at the same time, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. They are presented with sugar.

All pictures Francesca Scanferla