Holiday Essentials for Your Suitcase
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The last week before a big holiday is always full of excitement and building anticipation of what’s to come after a few more days of normality. In your head, you will be busy planning that first night out or that first day by the seaside, and the anticipation will continue to build and build before departure day.
You have also probably packed, unpacked and then repacked your suitcase in your head already. Often, we find that there’s not enough room for us to take everything to make us feel comfortable, and that’s why it’s important to see beyond the excitement, pause, and consider what is truly essential for our holiday.
Here are some of the things to consider for your suitcase before your next big holiday.
A Lock
First of all, when going anywhere on holiday, it is advised that you put a secure lock on your suitcase, particularly if you are using an aeroplane for travel. These are often relatively inexpensive and will give you that extra bit of piece-of-mind before you set out on your trip.
Depending on the type of holiday you are taking and the destination you are visiting, you may also wish to consider bringing a smaller locked case, in which you can put particular valuables such as jewellery and mobile phones. However, many places will offer something like this in the form of a safe.
Medicines and First Aid
Before you fill your suitcase to the brim with different styles for every night out you’re excitedly preparing for, take a moment to consider what you might need if something were to go awry. Of course, the majority of locations will have fantastic emergency services that are comfortable with looking after English-speaking tourists if the absolute worst were to happen, but what about if a member of your travelling group suffers a migraine, and you don’t know the local language enough to purchase tablets?
By taking a small bag, similar to a washbag, with a selection of simple cure-alls – including items such as bandages, plasters and certain tablets that members of your party may require in the event of minor illnesses – you will potentially be avoiding an awkward and highly stressful day trip to the local pharmacy!
Whether we like it or not, for many people our electronic devices are a vital part of our lives. While a trip to our villas to rent in Italy may sound like the perfect opportunity to rid yourself of your blue screen habits, it’s worth remembering that they do have a lot of good uses, also. Remember to bring your mobile with you on your holiday, or at least a cheaper equivalent, because even if it spends the whole time switched off in your bag or pocket, it will give you the peace of mind to know that in an emergency you have a way of reaching people. Also, make sure you take a note of some of the important numbers for the region you are travelling to in case of emergency.
Almost more important than your electronic devices, but often the first thing forgotten by people going on holiday, are their chargers! Remember to bring a mobile phone charger that will work in the country you are visiting – often thanks to a special plug adaptor – along with other electrical wires that you may need.
Smaller Bags
This will often be taken on holiday as part of hand luggage on aeroplane flights, but just in case you are arriving at your holiday destination through another route, remember to pack smaller bags. Ideal for day trips, by having a smaller bag such as a rucksack you will be able to bring your holiday survival gear with you without having to carry it everywhere unnecessarily.
Your Passport!
The most important things to pack out of everything are your documents. Flight confirmation, car hire documents, villa bookings, day trip tickets and, most importantly, passports – it is recommended that you store these in a clear and easy to reach location such as a file, so you can quickly get to them throughout your trip. By keeping them all in one place, it will also be easier to double and triple check that you have them before you leave!
Hopefully, this list has helped you gain some clarity on your holiday packing. Often, it’s good to start with the necessities listed above, because when you have made sure you have these with you, then the real fun of preparing for the holiday can begin! Still undecided on your next holiday destination? Why not take a look at these seven reasons to visit Italy?