Helen’s 5 favourite dishes in Amalfi


Mozzarella di Buffalo by mermaid99.

Spaghetti al Sugo
Simple staple dish made special by the wonderful San Marzano tomatoes grown in the area.

Pizza Margherita
Known throughout all of Italy, this wonderful fast food is to be enjoyed as a snack at any time of day.

Polpo in Umido
Locally caught octopus stewed in a clay pot with oil, garlic, capers, parsley, chilli and tomatoes.

Mozzarella di Buffalo
The local cheese with a creamy centre eaten alone or with freshly picked, sun ripened tomatoes, some roughly chopped basil and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Italian ice-cream is excellent, almost without exception. My current favourite is cioccolato e nocciola (chocolate and hazelnut).